With the likes of Uber, Didi, Airbnb, Facebook, WeChat, and Weibo, the internet
and applications have disrupted traditional businesses by removing middlemen in
the value chain, consequently reducing cost and improving customer satisfaction.
Through understanding industry or client-specific challenges, drivers and
constraints, SMCTS helps clients identify innovative solutions and transform
their business and operating models, via available Industry 4.0 technologies.
SMCTS assesses the risk and return characteristics of emerging technology
investment projects, and recommends those of high and quick return to investors
and organisations.
- Advanced telecommunications such as 4G and 5G mobile, and fibre internet
connectivity are essential to network infrastructure and platforms to
operate software, hardware and service. The quality of voice and connection
speed is paramount to user satisfaction.
- SMCTS helps clients identify and apply telecom solutions that reduce
operational costs, improve overall productivity, and/or drive revenue
Information Technology
- Hardware, software and service are key components of IT solutions that
enable digital transformation. Server, storage, networking, and security
systems, as well as associated software and managed services, require
careful optimisation and configuration through either internal IT or
outsourced service providers, to ensure uptime.
- SMCTS recommends innovative and new IT solutions that help clients resolve
specific operational issues and bring about benefits, such as efficiency
Internet of Things
- Any new and traditional devices, appliances and equipment can be
interconnected via sensors to form an ecosystem, which allows users to
remotely control and monitor the interconnected system. Internet of Things
(IoT) delivers convenience to our daily life, such as telehealthcare,
virtual classrooms and smart cities; and reduces the cost of doing business,
such as auditing in remote locations.
- SMCTS closely tracks the emerging yet fast-evolving space of ICT and
recommends viable and vital solutions to clients for resolving their
specific issues.
Cognitive Computing
- Cognitive technologies, such as machine learning, imitate human neuron
networks, which allows the software to process big data in real-time after
being trained to gain human intelligence, such as vision, language and
- Previously repetitive, time-consuming, tedious and dangerous jobs and tasks
can be replaced by intelligent machines, such as robots and drones. With
more advanced artificial intelligence becoming mature, work that requires
emotional intelligence can potentially be displaced by machines in the
- SMCTS monitors the development in this scientific space, where research and
development are still in the early stage. However, incremental
breakthroughs, such as gene editing and environmental protection solutions,
can bring about the immediate opportunity in business.